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Cdrama: Ending of : Story of Kunning Palace Ning An Ru Meng 宁安如梦 +Video of ending

 Ending:  Spoilers ahead:

Background: The reveal : Xie Wei is actually Ding Fei . Yan Mu (Yan Ling’s father) is actually his uncle. But tte problem is Duke Xue is also the natural father of Xie Wei, and is guilty always sacrificing his son to further his interest. 

Xie Wei finally confesses his feelings and asks Jiang Xue Ning(Ning Er) to marry him. Ning Er hesitates and doesn’t give him an answer. Ding Guo Gong (Duke Xue) is planning a huge revolt, and therefore the Yan family including Yan Ling, Zhang Zhe and Xie Wei work together to foil it. Xie Wei cant concentrate on stopping Duke Xue, because he’s angry that Ning Er has no answer to his proposal. Ning Er later explains she hesitated because there’s a difference between romancing each other and being married to each other. And therefore need time to consider. Xie Wei walks off angrily.  

Meanwhile Duke Xue tries to find proof to implicate Xie Wei of rebelling against the country. He sends his henchman, and to torture and kidnap Ning Er’s friend. He then uses his daughter to poison the Emperor and also takes over the palace. When Xie Wei and his friends try to enter the palace, Duke Xue sends his army to kill Xie Wei. Knowing Xie Wei and Zhang Zhe cant fight, the army outnumbers Yan Ling and his 2 aides, injuring them and cornering Xie Wei and Zhang Zhe. At the same time, Ying Er takes another team to storm Duke Xue’s house to rescue her friend, You Fang Ning. Sadly, You Fang Ning dies in Xue Ning’s arms in the rain. Xue Ning receives another bad news, Duke Xue intends to kill Xie Wei, so she rushes to the palace. 

At the palace, Duke Xue proclaims he has the power given by the sick emperor. But with resistance of the ministers, he uses his guards to surround the ministers, forcing them to submit to him. He then goes to the outnumbered Xie Wei and Zhang Zhe and personally attempts to kill Xie Wei. Yan Ling comes to his assistance, and kills Duke Xue in the process. Unfortunately, Xie Wei stabbed by Duke Xue, falls to the ground while Xue Ning rushes to him and takes him in her arms. She then tells him not to die, so that she can marry him. He then tells her, this is the only way Xue Ning will agree to marry him. 

                                                     " Let's get married"

Actually, Xie Wei collaborated with the emperor to fake his sickness, and then hid Yan Ling’s troops in the palace. He also gave details about Duke Xue’s crimes over the past years. In the end, Yan Family troops storm the palace and killed all the rebels. 

Years kater, we see Xie Wei, Xue Ning and their 2 kids. The girl tells the brother, father will always listen to our mother. And when Xie Wei tries to hug his daughter, his daughter goes to Xue Ning. Out of jealousy, Xie Wei ignores his son giving the reason that boys cannot be sentimental. The drama ends with Zhang Zhe, Princess and Yan Lin visiting them, and having a meal together happily. 

Ending:  Happy ending. ( There’s extra bonus scenes, will post in future ) 

My thoughts: It’s a really slow burn romance. Most of the time, Ling Er is terrified of Xie Wei, and though Xie Wei softens a bit, he is consistently cruel and cold most of the time. Zhang Ling He portrayal of his character is really deep, but pretty scary.  Its pretty engaging most of the time, and you just really want to get to the ending to see if everything will work out. 

Here's the cute video of Ling Er and Xie Wei and the kids...very cute! 


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